As a day care centre, do I have to carry out the "change of school year"?

Updated at November 2nd, 2023

Since Sdui calculates with time periods of one year (for schools one school year), the (school) turn of the year must also be carried out as a day care centre. 

As there are usually some changes in the day care centre with the start of the new school year, the turn of the year also offers some advantages for day care centres and is therefore available as a function. 

For example, you can directly mark all future school children as "leavers" so that their accounts and linked parents are automatically deleted seven days after the change. Parent accounts that are linked to other children who remain at the day care centre are not deleted. Furthermore, you can make possible changes to the group membership of the children at the change of year without having to call up the individual profiles manually. 

Important: If the year change is not carried out, Sdui can only be used to a limited extent. 

To change the year, click on "More" in the bottom right-hand corner of Sdui and open the "Administration" tile. In the left side menu you will find the section "Year change", which you can open by clicking on it. There are two ways to carry out the year change, whereby the variant "Simply upgrade Kita groups" is recommended for day care centres.

Watch the explanatory video there on "Simply upgrade classes (without user list import)" and carry out the year change according to the instructions.

As a day care centre, your groups are usually not upgraded as with a school, so the same groups as in the old year should be selected for the new year. This is already suggested by Sdui. 

To mark children leaving or to move children to other groups, click on "edit" next to the corresponding group and select an action for the corresponding children (e.g. *leaves* when they leave the nursery). If an entire group leaves the nursery, this can also be specified via the dropdown menu in the second column.

When the turn of the year is complete, new chat groups are also created for the new year for each day care group. Each group leader can then decide whether they want to transfer chat and/or cloud content from the old group to the new group or start with an empty group. To do this, the corresponding group must be entered in the group leader's profile.

For more information on that, you are welcome to watch the following video:

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